Friday, March 29, 2013

Stop Pounding Nails

"...Jesus said, 'It is finished.' With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. (John 19:30, NIV)
My Lord and my God! What have we done?

- A little white lie...Bang!
- An unkind word spoken in anger...Whack!
- Quarrels and gossip...Crack!

Sin after sin - a relentless pounding of hammer to nail. We take our turns, one after another - pounding, pounding, pounding. Even my son, my precious son - innocent in his father's eyes - pounded one of those nails. I'm overcome with grief at the thought of what we've done. We "secured" your Son to the cross. Oh, that ugly, dreadful cross.

And yet...

Lord Jesus, you have accepted this undeserved sentence. An unblemished lamb, sinless, you chose to die - for me, for all. My Lord and my God! What have you done? Blessed Son of God, you gave your life that we might live. Thank you; thank you for saving us, saving me. Oh, that beautiful, wondrous cross!

Oh, Holy Spirit, help me now, to turn from my sinful ways. Guide me on the path God has set for me. Light my way that I might reflect His light to others. Lead me that I may lead others to you. Please, I beg, do not allow me to disregard Christ's sacrifice. Let this emotion take deep root within me so that I act on it each day.

Holy Trinity, you have done so much for me. No words or deeds can ever repay you. I pray simply that I stop pounding nails.
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Note: On this Good Friday evening, my church service included a symbolic crucifixion. One member had prepared a rough hewn cross. It was placed at the altar with hammer and nails. One by one, as each felt called, individuals stepped forward to drive a nail into that cross. As my emotions welled, I was sure I could not do it. I knew what it meant and I just couldn't go through with it. But then my son and his friend stepped forward. Each hammered a nail. Overcome with agonizing grief, I did likewise. God have mercy!

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